Kenya Ranked Second in Africa after Conclusion of ICAO Security Audit

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has concluded security audit on Kenya and ranked Kenya second in Africa after attaining a score of 91.77%, a score that surpasses the ICAO set target of a 90% score by the year 2030.
Under the Universal Security Audit Program (USAP), ICAO has conducted 3 Audits on Kenya. In 2008, the state scored 68% level Effectiveness Implementation of the Standards and Recommended Practices, whilst in 2015, Kenya scored 88%. From 16th – 27th May 2022, Kenya was audited by ICAO and attained a Sustainability Indicator Score of 91.77% on the Average Effective Implementation (EI) of the eight Critical Elements (CE) of Aviation Security Oversight System.
In a statement released by office of the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works Mr. James W. Wacharia, the Cabinet Secretary noted that the Republic of Kenya being a contracting state to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Kenya is obliged to comply with the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in the 19 ICAO annexes.
Aviation Security is audited under Annex 17 security and the applicable standards of Annex 9 Facilitation. In 2015, there were 32 findings from 300 protocol questions, with observations made at JKIA alone. Comparatively, in the May 2022 audit, the scope increased to 493 protocol questions and included visits to both JKIA and Moi International Airport, Mombasa. The number of findings has dropped to only 15 findings in 2022.
Currently, the global score on the average Effective Implementation (EI) of Critical Elements (CEs) stands at 71.86% with an African Average of 61.90% and the Eastern and Southern African region (ESAF) at 65.61%. With the current audit results released by ICAO, Kenya is now ranked second in Africa and has already attained and even surpassed the target set by ICAO of achieving a Sustainability Indicator Score of 90% by the year 2030