IATA Introduces Schedule Data Exchange Program

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has introduced a new IATA Schedule Data Exchange Program initiative which will provide an industry-owned and controlled schedule and MCT database. It aims to reduce dependencies and provide airlines with more control, flexibility, and continuity over their schedule, capacity, and minimum-connection-time (MCT) data.
The goal is not to replace or create a schedule distribution service, but to provide a viable alternative schedule database that offers security and reliability. This ensures that airlines can continue their strategic and tactical operations seamlessly, even in unforeseen circumstances.
Why join the program?
Schedule, capacity, and MCT data are essential for the efficient operation of the air transport network. They are also valuable for various purposes, such as network planning, revenue management, slot coordination, or interline agreements. By joining the Schedule Data Exchange Program, airlines will benefit from:
- Minimize dependency risk – Rely on IATA as a reliable industry backup to ensure continuity.
- Free participation – No cost to contributing airlines to receive the data from the database.
- Data-driven decisions – Leverage the schedule database to perform analysis for informed choices.
- Industry governance – Industry owned and managed through an Airline Advisory Group.
- Quality assurance – Robust quality assurance processes to maintain high data quality standards.
Based on the give-to-get principle, airlines who are contributing their schedule data to the Program can receive the data derived from IATA’s Schedule Data Exchange Program database for free.
Sign agreement – Sign the standard agreement to agree to contribute your airline schedule and MCT exceptions data and to receive the data from the IATA Schedule Data Exchange Program database.
Share schedule and MCT exceptions data – Submit your airline schedule and MCT exceptions files to IATA. Use the same submission method your airline uses today for global distribution channels and data aggregators. Files should be in IATA standard formats (SSIM/SSM/ASM) and can be transmitted via your preferred method (Email, SFTP, iiNET, API, etc.). If SSIM files cannot be generated, IATA standard CSV files are also accepted.
Receive the data from the database – Starting in April 2025, participating airlines will be able to receive the data from IATA’s Schedule Data Exchange Program database in the form of Global SSIM file, flat files, or cloud native tables, which can be integrated with their internal analytical tools to support informed decision-making and strategic planning.
Additionally, the program will assist IATA in its role as an industry association by enabling it to provide critical services like industry reports, analysis, and advocacy work on issues affecting the industry’s interests. The Schedule Data Exchange Program is a practical solution that empowers airlines, reduces dependencies, and ensures data continuity. By participating, you contribute to a stronger and more adaptable industry. Furthermore, this program addresses the current problem of disparate quality of data and lack of industry governance.
IATA has demonstrated strength in setting up and operating collaborative data governance and exchange programs that are in accordance with competition and anti-trust laws, adhere to strict data release policies, and ensure adherence to data security and privacy.