Heathrow Airport Closed Due to a Nearby Fire Outage

Heathrow, Europe’s busiest Airport has closed today due to a significant power outage at a nearby substation disrupting flight schedules around the world and prompting speculation as to what had caused the blaze. No planes will fly to or from Heathrow Airport on this Friday. Passengers have been warned to stay away, with disruption likely to last for days.
British energy minister Ed Miliband said earlier on Friday there was no suggestion that there was foul play involved.
Smith said 10% of the original fire remained alight and his officers were working to safely resolve the incident, adding that they would work with National Grid as they assess the site and attempt to restore power.
Commenting on the incident, IATA’s Director General Mr. Willie Walsh noted that closing of Heathrow will inconvenience a huge number of travelers. He further noted that it is yet another case of Heathrow letting down both travelers and airlines. And that begs some serious questions. Firstly, how it is that critical infrastructure of national and global importance is totally dependent on a single power source without an alternative. If that is the case as it seems then it is a clear planning failure by the airport. And, from that arises the question of who bears the costs of taking care of disrupted travelers. Walsh noted that the industry must find a fairer allocation of passenger care costs than airlines alone picking up the tab when infrastructure fails. Until that happens, Heathrow has very little incentive to improve.
Mr. Walsh thanked those affected for their patience as airlines focus on getting them to their destination as quickly and efficiently as possible.