Fly Angola, Avmax Settle Legal Disputes over E145 and Dash 8

Angola’s privately owned airline, Fly Angola has reached an out- of- court settlement with Canada’s lessor Avmax Group aircraft leasing company.
The two companies were involved in a legal dispute over two aircraft; an Embraer E145 and a De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited DHC-8-300. The out-of-court settlement has come after months of tension and legal wrangling, where Avmax Group aircraft leasing company successfully reclaimed two aircraft it had leased to Fly Angola, an Embraer E145 and a DHC-8-300 aircraft.
The dispute resulted from Fly Angola’s failure to clear unpaid dues to Avmax Group Aircraft Leasing Company in excess of $2.5 million US Dollars. The out-of-court settlement is a good indicator that the two companies will mend their business ties and continue working together to develop the aviation industry.