Ethiopian Airlines adds to its Diamond Aircraft flight simulators fleet

With the recent purchase of three Diamond Aircraft flight training devices, Ethiopian Airlines (EAL) is now operating a fleet of five state-of-the art simulators.
EAL added one DA40 FSTD and two DA42 Convertible FSTD’s to their existing DA40 FSTD and DA42 FSTD including upgrades of the latter two.
Additionally, EAL has ordered a new optional feature,that Diamond Aircraft recently introduced. With this option, the second panel that comes with the Convertible FSTD, can now be mounted on a desk and act as a Garmin G1000 NXifamiliarisation training tool. EAL is now able to train simultaneously on seven devices (five complete simulators as well as two additional Garmin Familiarisation Trainers).
In combination with additional services and trainings provided by Diamond, EAL is in a position to offer the best possible and most advanced 21st century training solution to their students and will further benefit from cost savings due to the upgrade of their older simulators. Using original aircraft parts in terms of replacement and availability of spare parts is a huge advantage.
Following the purchase of the training simulators, Ethiopian Aviation Academy Managing Director MesayShiferaw remarked: “We are pleased to have these training simulators from Diamond which will increase our capacity and warranting our commitment for providing global standard aviation trainings through an ever-advancing excellence. This purchase increases our efficiency quantitatively and qualitatively to admit and graduate more pilots from Ethiopian Aviation Academy.”
“Diamonds core business is the provision of a complete package, including not only the aircraft, but also corresponding simulators as well as spare parts and training. We are very proud and pleased to strengthen our long-term cooperation with our customer Ethiopian Airlines with this new order. We wish them all the best for the future,” said Christian Schmid, project & key account manager, Diamond Aircraft Austria