Air Cargo Africa & Transport Logistics 2025 Officially Opens

Air cargo Africa & transport logistic Africa 2025 has officially opened today in Nairobi- Kenya under the theme; Connecting, Collaborating and creating opportunities.
The conference opened with a powerful inauguration, graced by industry leaders and key dignitaries including Dr. Robert Schönberger, Global Industry Lead, and transport logistic exhibitions, Messe München GmbH, Robin Fernandes, Executive Director, Messe Muenchen India Pvt. Ltd and Hon Caleb Kositany-Governor Uasin Gishu County, Chairman, Kenya Airports Authority.
The Conference seeks convergence of multimodal transport solutions across Africa. The Chair emphasized the importance of these integrated networks in creating efficient routes-to-market that will facilitate the realization of the African Continental Free Trade Area.
Kenya Airports Authority Chairman Hon. Caleb Kositany in his inauguration speech during the opening of the Air Cargo Africa 2025 conference emphasized its strategic role in driving the growth of the continent’s aviation sector. The KAA chairman underscored the strategic importance of the conference, noting its potential to create New Business Opportunities by connecting businesses and fostering new partnerships.
As a host partner 2025, KAA is playing a pivotal role in facilitating the 3-day event, which brings together industry leaders, policymakers, and innovators from across the globe.